Tuesday, May 17, 2011


WOW!! Where to start...?? Never in a million years did we ever think a simple little "thought" could turn into something SO AMAZING!! Shelli & myself (Magen) had talked a lot about doing a Boot Camp but, honestly didn't think too many people would be interested with their hectic schedules. After lots of researching and practicing we decided to give it a try! What did we have to lose? We didn't want to just call it "boot camp" that seemed to "original" so, we thought with the summer coming up what would people be wanting/wearing. First thing I could think of, especially after just having a baby this past June was, "would be nice to get in a Bikini" Shelli busted out with that's it BIKINI BOOT CAMP!! We were sold ourselves LOL. We had decided we would enroll 15 people cause at the time that was all the equipment we had and we didn't know if we would even have 15 interested. I posted our NEW IDEA on Facebook in the parking lot at FuSion as Shelli and I were leaving. Before Shelli could even pull out of the lot her phone had began ringing!! The ringing hasn't stopped since!! Our FIRST BBC SOLD OUT with in a few hours!! We had enrolled 15 and were happy but, the more that wanted in the more people we wanted to help. We bought more equipment and ended with 21 enrolled for ROUND 1!! We were beyond excited!!

Round 1 was GREAT!! We couldn't have asked for a better group of women!! They were so excited to be the ORIGINAL BBC CREW! We thank them everyday for giving us a chance and just rolling with it. First camp went smooth, we had some days that things could have been different but, we were all learning! By the end of Round 1 we had over 3 girls lose OVER 15 INCHES!! Results were amazing, yes I CRIED!! We had 6 girls from Round 1 decide to continue into Round 2, words don't describe how excited we were/are! Best part- we watched people become HAPPY & Make NEW FRIENDS!!

We didn't choose "Bikini" Boot Camp because we expect you to fit into that ITSY BITSY TEENIE WEENIE.... (you get it) Bikini afterward. We chose it cause it sounded FUN and motivating! Our goal has ALWAYS & WILL ALWAYS be for you to come to camp ready to make a change. We aren't promoting a overnight change, you didn't gain the weight overnight therefor you can't expect to lose it that way. We are wanting BBC to just be the beginning, the jump start, the NEW & HEALTHIER YOU!

Round 2 started this past Monday! Hard to believe I have seen over 70+ people between 5 & 7am these past two days. All I know is God is truly working magic! 70+ women that early ready to make a difference, it's POWERFUL!! I can already see future friendships just ready to bloom. Lots of inches & pounds are going to be lost in Round 2! With in the past two days alone we have already DONE WORK!! I personally have been more sore than ever these past two days, it hurts SO GOOD! LOL Round 2 is going to KICK BOOTY! Can't wait to see the final results!! Keep up the great work ladies, you are rocking it!!!

Round 3!!!! Yes that's right we are already signing up people for ROUND 3!! June 27-Aug 4 we will have TWO BBC CLASSES AGAIN!! 5-6am and a 6-7am!! It is crucial you get your spot while you can!! We are already over half way full for JUNE CAMP!!!! AGHHHH IT'S CONTAGIOUS!!! Please text or call Shelli at 575-390-8924!! I can promise you there is NO OTHER BOOT CAMP, much less BIKINI BOOT CAMP like this!! The energy is insane, the people are even crazier, and the results just ROCK!!!


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